카테고리 없음


버섯돌이 2006. 9. 26. 01:09

Laura Bush Hosting White House Literacy Conference

로라 부시 백악관 문맹퇴치 회의 주재


White House officials say, traveling around the world,
Laura Bush recognized the power of literacy to change lives.
Expanding literacy among women and girls is a key objective
of the conference.

According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization, UNESCO, there are more than 771million adults
around the world, who cannot read, and more than two thirds of
them are women. The conference will focus on three initiatives for
combating global illiteracy, including teaching mothers to read and
to pass that skill on to their children. The other two initiatives are
aimed at improving reading skills, so adults can make informed
decisions about health issues, and ways to use literacy to build
basic business skills.

Key Expressions

* recognize: 인식하다, 인지하다.
* literacy: 읽고 쓰는 능력, 교육이 있음.
* expand: 확장하다
* objective: 목적, 목표
* conference: 회의, 회담